Posted by Adam Pieniazek |
Blogging Tips | April 22nd, 2009
Flickr is a great resource for finding top quality free pictures to use on your blog. Lately, I’ve explained how to find and use free pictures on flickr to several people so for future reference […] Continue Reading…
Posted by Adam Pieniazek |
Blogging Tips | April 15th, 2009
Lately, I’ve been helping a lot of people who are new to the blogging scene get theirs up and running and optimized. Since I found myself sharing a lot of the same blog tips with multiple parties, I’ve decided to publish […] Continue Reading…
Posted by Adam Pieniazek |
Social Media | April 10th, 2009
For those of you who use twitter, you know of a phenomon that occurs every Friday called #followfriday. It is basically a trend that started a little while back where you recommend a few great twitter users to your followers. For […] Continue Reading…
Posted by Adam Pieniazek |
News | April 8th, 2009
Today is the big day folks, it’s our birthday! Yup, we’re now officially one year old. In web time, that makes us wicked old, but don’t worry we’ve got plenty of life left in us.
Make sure you head over to our […] Continue Reading…
Posted by Adam Pieniazek |
Blogging Tips | April 6th, 2009
After seeing a few of my favorites bloggers sign up for the course, I knew I had to try it too. Of course, I’m talking about Darren Rowse’s 31 Days to Build a Better Blog course at his extremely popular and […] Continue Reading…