Posted by Adam Pieniazek |
Introduction | May 4th, 2009
When meeting new clients or networking with other business owners and freelancers, the question of what our name means comes up often. We admit, it is a bit obtuse and references a geeky book that not everyone has read, so today […] Continue Reading…
Posted by Adam Pieniazek |
Blogging Tips | April 29th, 2009
The Search Cat NoFollows Everyone
In one of our recent posts, 10 Basic HTML Tags Every Blogger Should Know, a reader named Coree asked a great question:
I have a question about the No Follow tip. Can you explain […] Continue Reading…
Posted by Adam Pieniazek |
Social Media | April 25th, 2009
Yesterday we wrote about Mayor Tom Menino recently signing up for Twitter. Afterwards, we were notified by Jordan Newman, @FindingNewmo, that Sam Yoon, candidate for Mayor of the City of Boston 2009, also tweets @samyoonformayor. Sam has been tweeting since February […] Continue Reading…
Posted by Adam Pieniazek |
Social Media | April 24th, 2009
Since we’re a Boston based business with an emphasis on helping our clients reach out to their target audience via blogs and other social media, we’re very excited that Mayor Tom Menino of the City of Boston signed up for Twitter […] Continue Reading…
Posted by Adam Pieniazek |
Social Media | April 23rd, 2009
Bostonians, make sure you attend tonight’s Spring Tweetup at the Gaslight. It is hosted by none other than Thomas Edwards, aka URwingman. The event begins at 5 PM and runs until 10 PM, though I’m sure there’ll be a few people […] Continue Reading…